Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I confess I am a bit obsessed with guitars. I love acoustic guitars and wish I could have everyone of them. I own way too many, and can't pass by a music store without going in and looking. It is a bit sick.. I think I need help. I literally have to put Ebay on my website blocker. :-)

Do you know that feeling? Not about guitars specifically, but that feeling about something that seems to almost make you go nuts... become irrational? It makes others look at you and just shake their heads. (They, too have something that makes them go nuts. Almost everyone does, if they would be honest with themselves.) I was thinking about all the things we get obsessed about. Sports, cars, beer mugs, old coke bottles, our yards, shoes... the list can really go on. I guess we can call those things "Irrational Obsessions".

So I was talking with God and He "said", "Why aren't you obsessed with Me?" It's a good question... and I told Him so... He already knew that.

So, to put it in perspective, let's take a look at some reasons why it could be good to be obsessed with God: Uhhh.. He made everything; He knows everything; He can do anything; He loves you and me beyond our wildest imaginations... We can ask Him any question, and He can answer (though sometimes He chooses not to... I admit that is frustrating sometimes.) We can ask for anything and, should He choose to respond affirmatively, He can give it, take it, make it happen.. whatever. Basically, He lacks nothing, yet He is obsessed with us. Yep.. that is what I said: He is obsessed with us.

Think about it.. He created everything fully knowing we would do what we do (sin, in case you don't know what I am talking about...) He wrote the Bible even when He knew most of us wouldn't read it and some just outright mock it. He gave us Nature when He knew many would start to worship it. And in the epitome of obsession, He died for us, well aware that many would simply turn their backs on Him. Now that is real obsession... and completely irrational. But, completely real and true.
(I just realized that I called God irrational... I thought about changing that, but when you really think about how much He loves us.. from a worldly perspective, it is completely irrational. Therefore, it stays as said: God is irrationally, and completely in love with you... and me. That's pretty amazing actually.)

As we return to God's original question, "Why aren't you obsessed with Me?" I have to say, whatever your answer may be, if it isn't, "But, I am obsessed with you!" then it is the wrong answer. When the truth is weighed, the only rational thing to do, the only rational obsession that exists is to be obsessed with God. All other obsessions give nothing back, nothing lasting anyway. But God gives so much in return.

Let's pretend we are obsessed with God... what would that look like? Let's see, I wake up, spend time with Him and ask Him to direct my day. I would ask Him to use me for His glory, and really mean it. Every thought I think would be directed towards Him first for His approval. My day planner, though filled with things to do for my family, for work, and for my church, would be filtered through His plan. I would be ready to change my plans at the nudge of His Spirit at any time. I would be in constant communication with Him, obsessively asking for His approval at every turn, at every decision. I would know that all things work together for good, for God's plan, and I would constantly be asking to be a part of that plan, and to obey. I would ask for His eyes, to see what He sees, His heart love like He loves, His mind to think as He thinks. I would count others as better than me, and I would weep for those who do not know this obsession. I would be honest about who I am, a sinner saved by His grace, a man in process of becoming a holy man, and I would practice humility, gentleness, self-control. I would be joyful, no matter the circumstances, knowing that God has the world in His hands. I would fall to sleep in His arms, grateful for a day of purpose, hope, and meaning.

I think that obsession would be a good thing.

I think I want to be that obsessed. With God. My Father. My Savior. My King.

What about you? What are you obsessed with?

1 comment:

Natalie Powers said...

these are some awesome blogs danny. :) can't wait to read more!