Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"May every word that I speak, every thought that I think, and every thing that I do, bring glory to You."
Somewhere in the conversation a few mornings ago, I said this to God. And, I am actually sure that I meant it. And even more incredible than that, for the very first time, I really believed it was possible. What I mean, is that it is really possible for this finite, foolish, messed-up dude to be able to bring glory to God all day long. Every word, every thought, and every thing...
At first glance, it sounds like one of those prayers you get on a bookmark... great sentiment. (For all I know, there is a bookmark out there with this prayer... as posted earlier, I am not sure that I ever had an original thought :-) But you know what I mean... it sounds really pie-in-the-sky; unreachable, yet really fun to "wish" for. The funny thing is, though, I really did believe it. And I still do.
Now you are thinking there must have been something else in my coffee besides caffeine. I swear, I don't do drugs...any more :-). I am serious: I really can bring glory to God all day long - every word, every thought, every thing. Romans 8:28 says: " For we know all things work together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called, according to His purpose." God did say all things. I used to repeat this verse over and over and over, as I trudged through th emuck of my life... kind of a montra to take away the pain of the mystery of why so many things in my life are screwed up. But something new has entered into my mind. And I think I like it: I potentially can become the man that God has created me to be! Yes!! (spoken fiercely, fist clutched, elbow drawn quickly back to my waste...)
Follow me here: God says that even as messed up as I am, He is going to conform me into the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:29). Well, Jesus brought glory to God all day long... right? True, Jesus is God, but He was also 100% man as He lived for us on earth. Scriptures says He came down here to be with us so He really knows how it feels to be human. If He had some special "something" that in truth made Him not really man, something that we could not attain, then we would be in trouble. I believe the truth is that we really can give glory to God all day long, every day. Granted, it is a tall order, and the probability is remote, but it is still something to aspire to. Ever Peter reminded us that God said, "Be holy as I am holy." While I am sure the pessimistic phrase, "Nobody's perfect." is a true statement as it applies to all humans other than Jesus, I really do not think that is what bringing glory to God means. Not that we are perfect, but that we are intimate with God. Really, really intimate.
So, what I am saying is that if we could just get up in the morning, and start thinking for the glory of God - pure thoughts, thoughts of how we can participate in what God is doing in our lives that day, and speak truth and grace into the lives of those we encounter that day, and obey God as He nudges us along... I really think that is what giving Him glory looks like. Not me, walking around holding up one hand with two fingers up and two fingers gently folded, like the statues I saw growing up in the Catholic church... but me loving others... putting them first... listening with empathy and compassion...remembering that everyone I encounter is a miracle, and they are loved by God. I think that's what "perfection" looks like. It's real life. Filled with Joy, Hope, and Grace. And that's what I hope for today.. for you... for me.
Have a great day!

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