So, even with many reasons why I didn't need to go: so busy with work, should be with family, already serving in various ministries, i was running late...etc... I went anyway. You never know what God will do... and I just felt this nudge that I should go. Running late, when I arrived under the bridge, the food line has already started and I was overwhelmed by how large the crowd was. My heart broke a little as I thought of all of their struggles... I glanced to the servers, and plenty of volunteers were there preparing plates, scooping green beans and corn, and pouring tea and lemonade. I scanned the homeless already served or just standing around, and began wandering in their midst, trying to engage someone in a conversation.
"How's the food? Can I get you some more?" I asked a small group of guys just finishing their plates. The one squatting down looked up and with a flashy grin, responded, "Food was great! Thanks so much! Do you think they will let me have some more tea?" I offered to get him a cup, but he insisted he would get it himself, thanking me.
The fellow in a wheelchair threw all of his trash on the ground and the realized I was standing behind him, and muttered, "I wonder where the trash can is..."
"No worries... we'll get it." , I told him and asked for his cup so I could get him so more to drink. He smiled a toothless grin and thanked me again.
As I went back to the line to get the drink, the line was still very long. I began praying that there would be enough food. I had to get my friend lemonade as they were already out of tea. Returning and handing him his cup, he thanked me again and the small group turned, saying goodbye, left me standing there... "God, why did you want me here?", I wondered as I looked around. I saw Charlie picking up trash, and others still serving food... One of the volunteers carrying a trash bag approached me and asked why I didn't bring my guitar so I could play and lead worship. I replied that I had done so in the past, that it went well, but really felt like I needed to be talking to the people who had come. (Since I wasn't talking to anyone at that time, he may have wanted to ask me - "So, how that working for you?" But he was gracious. smiled, and continued to pick up the garbage in the area.
I scanned the crowd, and saw a thin, shirtless young man, and went over to him, standing near him, hoping he would turn and talk. I stood there like a dummy for a few minutes... waiting. He had large tattoos on his back - two of the larger ones were of a woman's face with a background reminiscent of a Catholic shrine. There were various other tattoos, but I didn't want to stare.
He turned to me with a huge smile, and greeted me. "Kique" he said grasping my hand firmly. "Danny", I said... "Those are cool tat's... who are they?" I blurted, for lack of something more interesting to say. He spoke in a broken English/Spanish blend: "My ma, this one.. my grandma, this one." , he stated, and began to talk quickly and expressively... I am, not really sure what he said, but he was enthusiastic. I showed him my large "tat" that I really wish I didn't have and he laughed, saying that he thought it was "very nice." I asked him if he wanted some food and he declined. I asked him where he was from, as I was unfamiliar with his accent, and he told me he came from Cuba back in 2004. His work Visa had expired and he was unable to get real work. We talked about family, work, money, living on the streets, drugs and other related things... I prayed under my breath for some leading to know what to say, and then it happened: Kique began to tell me about Jesus.
Yes... that's what I said. Kique told me about his faith. And I must admit, I had never heard the gospel more real, more raw, and more clearly stated in my entire life. I have never heard the gospel presented with so many curse words, but maybe that made it more real in a way...
He told me how he reads his Bible everyday, and that its is like food to him... how you simply cannot know God better without reading your Bible. He said, "I don't know if I will be alive tomorrow, but if I am, I will be reading my Bible in the morning." He declared that he had read it through many, many times... and it is always new.
He told me that he was rich... that he had nothing, but he was rich. He said he sees people who are rich, but they are poor. I wish I could communicate the accent, the emphatic gestures, and hand motions - we were having church... He said the rich have nothing if they don't have God.
We spoke of Abraham and God's test of the sacrificial son. We spoke about God's testing, God's presence, and His deep love.
And then this homeless man spoke of God's provision. He said, "Do you have enough? You must have enough, because if you needed something, God would have already given it to you. I have enough, and this is where I am. Some may say I have nothing... but I have everything... everything I need. Many people want more, want more, want more... and they do not have God... so they do not have what they really need. They are poor."
He also spoke of purpose: "I am here still. That means I need to know more.. more about God, and more about me. God has me here to learn about myself, and to know myself. And to know Him. I do not know everything yet, but when I go to Him, I will know everything."
Kique grabbed a watermelon from a passing volunteer with a tray - almost empty. With a big smile took a bite and laughed. His eyes were bright, his ideas were clear, though his words were not anything like any preaching I ever heard in a church setting. His faith covered him in a way that made me want to sell everything. His hope was before him.
Kigue grabbed my hand, and said, "It is time for me to go down there.", motioning toward the shelter down the street. We hugged and I thanked him for his time and his words. We laughed as he left me standing there in wonder. In the strangest of places, God shows up and does the unexpected. I laughed and thanked God for this "Divine appointment", so glad that I obeyed the nudge to come to the Under the Bridge ministry this night. As I turned back to the food line, the tables had been packed up and only a few volunteers remained, cleaning up the remnants of a large feast.
God is good.
All the time.
We only need to show up.
You know how you might go to a local coffee shop and sit with a friend... These are some thoughts that I have shared with Jesus, my Friend and Savior. I thought I would share them with you, too. Grab a cup of java, and sit a can comment too... let me know how you and Jesus are doing...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Epiphanies are Fun!!
You know that moment when you really get something - that moment of clarity on something that is really deep.. really important? Wow!! It's like being on a mountain, a cool, crisp breeze blowing in your face... and a Truth hits you like a phone call that says you just won the lottery! We all have Epiphanies once in a while, and we all yearn for them, whether we know it or not. And then, there is theEvery Day.
The Every Day is the entering into the sameness of yesterday. We can trudge along through it and lose our sense of awe and amazement, mostly because we do not see anything to be in awe of or be amazed at. Oh, an Epiphany.. my kingdom for an epiphany!!
Hey, I am not knocking those moments of wonder. I am just saying sometimes we are so busy trying to understand the deep, that we forget the obvious. In less poetic terms: we skip the basics.
Anyone following Jesus Christ, or trying to follow Jesus Christ (much better said) prays. We pray for ourselves, we pray for others. We pray for wisdom and understanding. We pray for direction... "God, should I turn left, or right?" "Father, should I go to school or ministry?" This is good and right. But sometimes we are so busy seeking direction for the future we fail to hear the present call of a follower of Christ - "Be holy, as I am holy." "Do not be angry." "Do not be drunk with wine." "Be gentle and humble." Need I continue????
Here is the Epiphany of the day: Don't forget the basics. The basic call of holiness is what gets us before the Throne of God in the first place. If we ignore the basic commands of God, why should He help us with the deeper things? Do we honestly thing God ignores our "little sins"? Brothers and sisters, I must declare without any reservation: We are called to be holy. Holy means to be set apart for "special" purposes. In the context of faith, set apart to do God's will. That isn't just the big, wonderful things that get written about in a book. It means the mundane, the ordinary, the Every Day. Like the guy who finds the wallet filled with cash and returns it to its owner. The woman who sees the cashier forgot to charge for something and goes back and pays for it. The drivers who do NOT wave the one-fingered salute to someone who cut them off. (Yes, I just said that...)
I am convicted about the Every Day. I love the Epiphany, that's for sure... I am just like you. And I struggle today, and will likely struggle tomorrow. But I have a God who owns the Every Day as much as He owns the Epiphany. His grace and mercy pour over me and wash me clean. His Spirit fills me and gives me eyes to see not only my own sin, but the needs of others, and the will of God.
God is good. All the time. His plan and purposes are good. Seek Hard.
The Every Day is the entering into the sameness of yesterday. We can trudge along through it and lose our sense of awe and amazement, mostly because we do not see anything to be in awe of or be amazed at. Oh, an Epiphany.. my kingdom for an epiphany!!
Hey, I am not knocking those moments of wonder. I am just saying sometimes we are so busy trying to understand the deep, that we forget the obvious. In less poetic terms: we skip the basics.
Anyone following Jesus Christ, or trying to follow Jesus Christ (much better said) prays. We pray for ourselves, we pray for others. We pray for wisdom and understanding. We pray for direction... "God, should I turn left, or right?" "Father, should I go to school or ministry?" This is good and right. But sometimes we are so busy seeking direction for the future we fail to hear the present call of a follower of Christ - "Be holy, as I am holy." "Do not be angry." "Do not be drunk with wine." "Be gentle and humble." Need I continue????
Here is the Epiphany of the day: Don't forget the basics. The basic call of holiness is what gets us before the Throne of God in the first place. If we ignore the basic commands of God, why should He help us with the deeper things? Do we honestly thing God ignores our "little sins"? Brothers and sisters, I must declare without any reservation: We are called to be holy. Holy means to be set apart for "special" purposes. In the context of faith, set apart to do God's will. That isn't just the big, wonderful things that get written about in a book. It means the mundane, the ordinary, the Every Day. Like the guy who finds the wallet filled with cash and returns it to its owner. The woman who sees the cashier forgot to charge for something and goes back and pays for it. The drivers who do NOT wave the one-fingered salute to someone who cut them off. (Yes, I just said that...)
I am convicted about the Every Day. I love the Epiphany, that's for sure... I am just like you. And I struggle today, and will likely struggle tomorrow. But I have a God who owns the Every Day as much as He owns the Epiphany. His grace and mercy pour over me and wash me clean. His Spirit fills me and gives me eyes to see not only my own sin, but the needs of others, and the will of God.
God is good. All the time. His plan and purposes are good. Seek Hard.
Friday, May 8, 2009
State of Amazement
As I was praying this morning, I kept thanking God for all the things He is doing in my life and around my church. I declared, "God I am so amazed by You and the things You do." Suddenly, it hit me: Why am I not always in a constant state of amazement? I mean think about it - God is always all powerful, all-knowing, all seeing, ever compassionate and full of grace. Why am I only amazed right now, in the midst of some huge things He is doing in my life? (Long stories-- I am in the midst of a few major moves of God - I will present soon... just waiting for the right time...)
Then came the answer: I am not watching close enough. The truth of the matter is God is always doing the impossible; He is always doing something amazing. Too often, I am caught up in my own myopic perspective and I fail to see the myriads of things God is doing around me, through me, and to me. I repented.
Brandon Heath released a song recently... "Give me Your Eyes". In the song he talks of what is really going on underneath. As he walks the street of his town, he struggles to see past the smiles and into the hearts of those he encounters. He asks for the ability to love them, and make a difference in their lives. I dare say that condition of blindness is common, and is from the enemy. My brothers and sisters, this ought not be.
Jesus told the disciples to look at the people - the fields ripe and ready - and He said to pray that there would be the faithful, the workers, to harvest. (Matt 9:35-37) Guys - that's us. God is calling us to open our eyes and see what He is doing around us. There are people dying because they do not know Him. Think about what your life would be like if you did not know Jesus -- and recognize that there are many, many people living like that. I don't know about you, but my heart is breaking right now. If the fields are not harvested, they will die.
So, let's imagine something better: Your eyes are open and you see what God is doing all around you. You see the hurting, the ill, the lonely... and you are filled with compassion. You see God orchestrating "divine appointments" with you and others, and you are amazed. You see how God prepared someone to hear just the right words, and you are amazed. You see someone healed of cancer. And you are amazed. You see someone receive the money they needed just in time, and you are amazed. You see the faithful giving sacrificially of themselves and of their treasures, and you are amazed. You see God doing things that you never could have imagined - God, moving in His people, bringing about the Impossible. And you are amazed.
That's what I want. Yes, today, I am amazed... God has done and is doing some amazing things in my life right now and it is easy to see. What about tomorrow? Will I return to the everyday... the everyday where I only see the physical things, the obvious? Or will I continue to see with the eyes of faith? Will my eyes open wide with amazement as the God of the Universe interacts with me and the lives of those around me?
Father hear my prayer. I need to see with Your eyes. I am not complete, as Your son, unless my eyes are healed so I see what is really going on in and around me. Father I pray that I live in a constant state of amazement as I see You working to save those You love, as You grow the faith in those who love You. I desperately need you to remove the scales from my eyes, and soften my heart, that I might have the compassion to love others as You do. I am Yours. Use me as You will. Amen.
Then came the answer: I am not watching close enough. The truth of the matter is God is always doing the impossible; He is always doing something amazing. Too often, I am caught up in my own myopic perspective and I fail to see the myriads of things God is doing around me, through me, and to me. I repented.
Brandon Heath released a song recently... "Give me Your Eyes". In the song he talks of what is really going on underneath. As he walks the street of his town, he struggles to see past the smiles and into the hearts of those he encounters. He asks for the ability to love them, and make a difference in their lives. I dare say that condition of blindness is common, and is from the enemy. My brothers and sisters, this ought not be.
Jesus told the disciples to look at the people - the fields ripe and ready - and He said to pray that there would be the faithful, the workers, to harvest. (Matt 9:35-37) Guys - that's us. God is calling us to open our eyes and see what He is doing around us. There are people dying because they do not know Him. Think about what your life would be like if you did not know Jesus -- and recognize that there are many, many people living like that. I don't know about you, but my heart is breaking right now. If the fields are not harvested, they will die.
So, let's imagine something better: Your eyes are open and you see what God is doing all around you. You see the hurting, the ill, the lonely... and you are filled with compassion. You see God orchestrating "divine appointments" with you and others, and you are amazed. You see how God prepared someone to hear just the right words, and you are amazed. You see someone healed of cancer. And you are amazed. You see someone receive the money they needed just in time, and you are amazed. You see the faithful giving sacrificially of themselves and of their treasures, and you are amazed. You see God doing things that you never could have imagined - God, moving in His people, bringing about the Impossible. And you are amazed.
That's what I want. Yes, today, I am amazed... God has done and is doing some amazing things in my life right now and it is easy to see. What about tomorrow? Will I return to the everyday... the everyday where I only see the physical things, the obvious? Or will I continue to see with the eyes of faith? Will my eyes open wide with amazement as the God of the Universe interacts with me and the lives of those around me?
Father hear my prayer. I need to see with Your eyes. I am not complete, as Your son, unless my eyes are healed so I see what is really going on in and around me. Father I pray that I live in a constant state of amazement as I see You working to save those You love, as You grow the faith in those who love You. I desperately need you to remove the scales from my eyes, and soften my heart, that I might have the compassion to love others as You do. I am Yours. Use me as You will. Amen.
God Amazing Grace,
Love compassion,
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Grace and a Blind Eye
It's been a while since I have posted here... it certainly is not because God and I haven't been talking. In fact, our relationship has been very active. But, I have been very busy at work, at church, at home. It has been a bit overwhelming...just plain busy. I am going to go out on a limb and assume a few of you out there know what I am talking about. And, there is no way I can go back over the last few months and explore all the things that I have wrestled with, failed at, and discovered. So, I'll just share what's up today...
This morning, out on the couch on the back porch, I was just bouncing all the things in my head that have been going on in my life, trying to focus on what God might be saying to me, and the one thought that pierced through the murkiness was "grace". I am not sure it was God telling me to stop and be grateful for His grace, or if it was me just thinking about how many times I have failed, or just done what I wanted without seeking Him, and yet He was still there with me... still willing to listen to my heart, willing to love me. A cool breeze of grace poured over me, and I was reminded of the very basic of basics: God loves me.
Can you say it with me? Out loud? Ready? One, two, three: "God loves me."
The absolute immensity of that truth is perhaps the most overlooked, underestimated truth in the universe. God - all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, ever present, perfect God...loves little, bitty, frail, foolish, stubborn, sinful me (...and you.) From a scientific approach - it's ridiculous. God doesn't need anything and we can only give Him that which He created to begin with. Yet, He wants a relationship with us. Not like a pet, spontaneously purchased at the side of the road on the way home from the grocery store, at once enjoyed and entertaining, and later, after a time, just an annoyance that requires a minimum amount of attention. But rather, like a child, born of a mother once thought barren, cherished through every smile, every cry, every first step, first tooth, first word, first grade, first love... Stop, as I did this morning, and really think about that. And so, the word "Grace" echoed deep in my heart, reverberating through my entire soul. And even that thought, that realization of His love, is a gift of grace.
Does God, my Father, have a blind eye toward my sin. my failures, my outright disobedience? Or is every single "bad" thing that happens a punishment, doled out tit for tat by a score keeper who makes absolutely sure we are aware of our every mistake. The verses that shout out to me this morning are in Ephesians chapter 2... a stunning chapter worth the read. Worth memorizing, for that matter. The whole chapter is a heart's cry of a Father who longs to have His children understand the depth of His love. Following are the first 9 verses:
"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."
There are books written about the depths of this passage. I encourage you to memorize it... and I pledge to do so as well. Even as I cut and pasted it into this post, as I read it, I was stirred with gratitude of a Holy God who loves me that much. I was dead in my sin, and He intervened into my life and rescued me. He made me alive, fully knowing the depth of my failures of the past, and my rebellion in the future. Not with a blind eye, my friends, but with a heart big enough to love me through my sin, my rebellion, my failures.. With compassion of a Perfect Father, He interacts with me in my life, day by day, moment by moment, drawing me into a deeper love relationship. He encourages me to be the man He created me to be. He forgives me when I fall, which is far too often. He answers my prayers perfectly. He leads me through difficulties, and even uses those times in my life to grow me, draw me, shape me, love me.
The song says, "Grace flows down and covers me." It is amazing. I am simply amazed. My hope for you is that you are amazed too. The God of the universe is with You, longing to amaze you. He knows everything about you, and yet, He longs to "seat you in the heavenly realms with Christ" and give you the life you have always wanted. Not necessarily a life of success in the world's eyes - but an abundant, meaningful life. A life of joy unspeakable, and purpose. A life not measured by what you have done and will do, but a life set free of the burdens of failures and the entanglement of sin. A life overwhelmed by Grace flowing down. That is real. That is real life.
Seek Him, and He will be right there. Father loves you, not based on your value in your own eyes, but simply because He does.
This morning, out on the couch on the back porch, I was just bouncing all the things in my head that have been going on in my life, trying to focus on what God might be saying to me, and the one thought that pierced through the murkiness was "grace". I am not sure it was God telling me to stop and be grateful for His grace, or if it was me just thinking about how many times I have failed, or just done what I wanted without seeking Him, and yet He was still there with me... still willing to listen to my heart, willing to love me. A cool breeze of grace poured over me, and I was reminded of the very basic of basics: God loves me.
Can you say it with me? Out loud? Ready? One, two, three: "God loves me."
The absolute immensity of that truth is perhaps the most overlooked, underestimated truth in the universe. God - all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, ever present, perfect God...loves little, bitty, frail, foolish, stubborn, sinful me (...and you.) From a scientific approach - it's ridiculous. God doesn't need anything and we can only give Him that which He created to begin with. Yet, He wants a relationship with us. Not like a pet, spontaneously purchased at the side of the road on the way home from the grocery store, at once enjoyed and entertaining, and later, after a time, just an annoyance that requires a minimum amount of attention. But rather, like a child, born of a mother once thought barren, cherished through every smile, every cry, every first step, first tooth, first word, first grade, first love... Stop, as I did this morning, and really think about that. And so, the word "Grace" echoed deep in my heart, reverberating through my entire soul. And even that thought, that realization of His love, is a gift of grace.
Does God, my Father, have a blind eye toward my sin. my failures, my outright disobedience? Or is every single "bad" thing that happens a punishment, doled out tit for tat by a score keeper who makes absolutely sure we are aware of our every mistake. The verses that shout out to me this morning are in Ephesians chapter 2... a stunning chapter worth the read. Worth memorizing, for that matter. The whole chapter is a heart's cry of a Father who longs to have His children understand the depth of His love. Following are the first 9 verses:
"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."
There are books written about the depths of this passage. I encourage you to memorize it... and I pledge to do so as well. Even as I cut and pasted it into this post, as I read it, I was stirred with gratitude of a Holy God who loves me that much. I was dead in my sin, and He intervened into my life and rescued me. He made me alive, fully knowing the depth of my failures of the past, and my rebellion in the future. Not with a blind eye, my friends, but with a heart big enough to love me through my sin, my rebellion, my failures.. With compassion of a Perfect Father, He interacts with me in my life, day by day, moment by moment, drawing me into a deeper love relationship. He encourages me to be the man He created me to be. He forgives me when I fall, which is far too often. He answers my prayers perfectly. He leads me through difficulties, and even uses those times in my life to grow me, draw me, shape me, love me.
The song says, "Grace flows down and covers me." It is amazing. I am simply amazed. My hope for you is that you are amazed too. The God of the universe is with You, longing to amaze you. He knows everything about you, and yet, He longs to "seat you in the heavenly realms with Christ" and give you the life you have always wanted. Not necessarily a life of success in the world's eyes - but an abundant, meaningful life. A life of joy unspeakable, and purpose. A life not measured by what you have done and will do, but a life set free of the burdens of failures and the entanglement of sin. A life overwhelmed by Grace flowing down. That is real. That is real life.
Seek Him, and He will be right there. Father loves you, not based on your value in your own eyes, but simply because He does.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Make Every Effort
I was praying the other day, and asking God why I still struggle with some of the same old sins. I mean, really, I have been saved for over 17 years. I really thought by now I would be holy. It still is so much work to stay pure, keep my eyes where they belong, and not get angry at stupidity. That's sounds harsh, but maybe that gives you a peek into my frustration.
The next morning, I read this:
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2nd Peter 1:5-8)
I have read that many times over the years, and it sounded good and sensible, but for some reason, it offered me hope... and a slight tinge of correction. I think God was saying to me that morning that it is a process, and it is a process that requires my full participation. Sure, I have been reading the Bible for 17 years, attending church, having Bible studies, home fellowship meeting, and volunteering for various things. I have gone on mission trips as far as the Philippines... But God gently reminded me that my struggles would not be removed as a reward for doing things. God doesn't give us a list of do's and dont's and if we do really well, He removes our sinful tendencies... He never said that at all.
The truth is this - we have to "make every effort..." Yes, the Holy Spirit is active in us and we are given faith, and grace, and God is working everything together to conform us into the likeness of His Son, but we must "make every effort" to be holy. Have I made every effort? The answer to why I still struggle is abundant clear now... and it isn't God's fault.
So the process starts with Faith. It is impossible to please God without faith, and our life with Him starts with faith - the belief that He is, and He is able to do all He said He will do. To Faith, we add goodness. We make every effort to be good, to do good, to act good. Good to our family, our friends, and strangers. Every effort - good. Got it? To that, make every effort to add knowledge... we need to read the Bible, study, seek God, talk to others who are learned, and make every effort to become more knowledgeable about God, life, salvation, and humanity.
Self-control. Really? Self-control. I am confident that I have not made every effort to be self-controlled... this possibly could be a sticking point, and it may take me a while to get to the next level... But, if I would have been making every effort to be good, and adding knowledge, I think the self-control might be a little easier... I think I see a pattern here....
Perseverance. Stick-to-it-edness. When the going gets tough, the faithful get on their knees. Then, they get up and keep going. God doesn't explain all of our obstacles, and He certainly doesn't remove them. But He is with us, and He is asking us to make every effort to persevere.. stick with Him. It is worth it.
Godliness. Honestly, I think if I could do the above better, I would be godly... The cool thing here, and the reason I am encouraged, is because this process makes sense, and it seems doable, with His help, of course. But to be godly, "like God" is a very, very awesome thing. I really want to be more godly... I guess it will take some effort on my part. Every effort.
Brotherly kindness seems pretty easy after getting through the previous challenges. If I am making every effort to be good, adding knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness... I am pretty sure brotherly kindness will be a piece of cake. The funny thing is, I think I have the brotherly kindness thing down fairly well right now, but I am lacking in the previous areas. Perhaps I have gone out of order and went to the easier ones. I mean, it is easy to show love to my brother.. He is my brother after all... that isn't that hard.
And finally, Love. This seems almost like a "just in case I missed anything" sort of thing. But it lines up with what Paul said to the Corinthians: If I give everything to the poor... but have not love, it is useless and worthless. (DannyT's paraphrase) I think the point here is that if we are making all this effort, don't miss the whole point of it all - Love. God is Love, and He has called us to love. Love changes things. People get saved because we love. People come to know God because we love. Love.
The entire Chapter 1 of 2 Peter is eye-opening, and I encourage you to dig deep into the richness of His Word, and remind you of the encouragement within. God spoke, and He still speaks today. He answers our cries, and He offers hope. He empowers us to become all that He intended us to be. We must engage, and make every effort to grow closer to Him. It isn't easy to do, but the process is understandable, and attainable.
Our God is a great God, who loves us more than we can imagine or comprehend. I am grateful for this God who offers a loving answer in response to my heartfelt cry of frustration. I am thankful that He accepts me as I am, but loves me way too much to leave me this way.
I hope to encourage you to seek Him. Cry out. He will answer you.
The next morning, I read this:
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2nd Peter 1:5-8)
I have read that many times over the years, and it sounded good and sensible, but for some reason, it offered me hope... and a slight tinge of correction. I think God was saying to me that morning that it is a process, and it is a process that requires my full participation. Sure, I have been reading the Bible for 17 years, attending church, having Bible studies, home fellowship meeting, and volunteering for various things. I have gone on mission trips as far as the Philippines... But God gently reminded me that my struggles would not be removed as a reward for doing things. God doesn't give us a list of do's and dont's and if we do really well, He removes our sinful tendencies... He never said that at all.
The truth is this - we have to "make every effort..." Yes, the Holy Spirit is active in us and we are given faith, and grace, and God is working everything together to conform us into the likeness of His Son, but we must "make every effort" to be holy. Have I made every effort? The answer to why I still struggle is abundant clear now... and it isn't God's fault.
So the process starts with Faith. It is impossible to please God without faith, and our life with Him starts with faith - the belief that He is, and He is able to do all He said He will do. To Faith, we add goodness. We make every effort to be good, to do good, to act good. Good to our family, our friends, and strangers. Every effort - good. Got it? To that, make every effort to add knowledge... we need to read the Bible, study, seek God, talk to others who are learned, and make every effort to become more knowledgeable about God, life, salvation, and humanity.
Self-control. Really? Self-control. I am confident that I have not made every effort to be self-controlled... this possibly could be a sticking point, and it may take me a while to get to the next level... But, if I would have been making every effort to be good, and adding knowledge, I think the self-control might be a little easier... I think I see a pattern here....
Perseverance. Stick-to-it-edness. When the going gets tough, the faithful get on their knees. Then, they get up and keep going. God doesn't explain all of our obstacles, and He certainly doesn't remove them. But He is with us, and He is asking us to make every effort to persevere.. stick with Him. It is worth it.
Godliness. Honestly, I think if I could do the above better, I would be godly... The cool thing here, and the reason I am encouraged, is because this process makes sense, and it seems doable, with His help, of course. But to be godly, "like God" is a very, very awesome thing. I really want to be more godly... I guess it will take some effort on my part. Every effort.
Brotherly kindness seems pretty easy after getting through the previous challenges. If I am making every effort to be good, adding knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness... I am pretty sure brotherly kindness will be a piece of cake. The funny thing is, I think I have the brotherly kindness thing down fairly well right now, but I am lacking in the previous areas. Perhaps I have gone out of order and went to the easier ones. I mean, it is easy to show love to my brother.. He is my brother after all... that isn't that hard.
And finally, Love. This seems almost like a "just in case I missed anything" sort of thing. But it lines up with what Paul said to the Corinthians: If I give everything to the poor... but have not love, it is useless and worthless. (DannyT's paraphrase) I think the point here is that if we are making all this effort, don't miss the whole point of it all - Love. God is Love, and He has called us to love. Love changes things. People get saved because we love. People come to know God because we love. Love.
The entire Chapter 1 of 2 Peter is eye-opening, and I encourage you to dig deep into the richness of His Word, and remind you of the encouragement within. God spoke, and He still speaks today. He answers our cries, and He offers hope. He empowers us to become all that He intended us to be. We must engage, and make every effort to grow closer to Him. It isn't easy to do, but the process is understandable, and attainable.
Our God is a great God, who loves us more than we can imagine or comprehend. I am grateful for this God who offers a loving answer in response to my heartfelt cry of frustration. I am thankful that He accepts me as I am, but loves me way too much to leave me this way.
I hope to encourage you to seek Him. Cry out. He will answer you.
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