Monday, November 24, 2008

That's What Faith is For

Hebrews 11:1 says that "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." NASB
There seems to be a few loopholes in this description. No offense to the writer, but isn't it possible we can hope for all kinds of stuff, and then be sorely disappointed? I know I have hoped for a few things that never materialized... is a 29 inch waste asking for too much? Heck, lately, I'd settle for a 32 inch waste. It's be nice to be able to reach my feet without grunting.

Okay, all kidding aside, my point is that we need to be sure that our Faith is centered on the Truth of God. God has said a lot of things. He had men over many years write down the things that He really wanted us to put our Faith and Hope in. Most of what He wrote, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is plain to see. The Big Stuff, I mean... You know, the propitiation of our sins by the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior... the Salvation of our souls. It is crystal clear that for some reason and in some manner, the death, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ, and our faith placed in Him, saves us. I didn't say it was easy to comprehend, just easy to see. The scriptures say this over, and over, and over. The New Testament shouts it, and the Old Testament foreshadows it. The cross is the center of time.. everything comes down to the cross. Our salvation depends completely on our faith in the One who, at the right time, stepped into time and took our sins to the cross at Calvary. He died, they buried Him, and then, He rose again. That Truth, is the focus of our Faith.

The Bible is a big compilation of books and letters and, yes, I am saying it all comes down to that aforementioned fact. Of course, there is much to read, study and chew on. But it begins and ends with the Cross. Are you with me?

So, Hebrews 11:6 says something else interesting:"Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." A REWARDER... God gives a reward for those who SEEK Him. That is really an interesting turn of words. If pleasing the God who created everything that exists seen and unseen is important to you (and me) we might want to look closely at this text. We MUST have faith - faith in the Truth given by God - or we will NOT please God. Somehow, NOT pleasing God sounds a bit scary to me. What's even more interesting here is that it doesn't say, "You must do everything right and perfect to please God..." I am not saying that what we do doesn't matter, but that God is mostly concerned about our Faith. And He is pleased when we put our faith wholly in Him.

Let's look at verse 6 again - God is the rewarder of those who seek Him. So, Father is pleased by our faith, and rewards our seeking. Faith Seeks! This supports James comments that "faith without deeds is dead." Sure, that means those who have faith do good, even great, deeds. But it is much, much more than that: Faith seeks. Faith pursues. Faith wrestles with truths. Faith obeys. Faith longs for a better day. Faith weeps over those who don't have this faith. Faith hates sin. Faith repents. Faith worships. Faith fellowships. Faith reads. Faith prays. Faith cries. Faith celebrates.

After taking a long look at Faith, I think I see why it pleases God. I think I see why God is so incredibly interested in our faith in His uncomplicated Truth that He loves us, He sent His Son for us, He died for us, and He now lives for us. It is us, His unruly followers who complicate things. Pride and selfishness get in the way of the simplicity that is the Gospel. Misdirected faith muddies the water...

Let's get back to the basic Truth of what God said. Let's clear our heads and center our hearts on the simple Truth that Jesus Saves. And then seek. We will be rewarded. Not necessarily by anything earthly, though that does happen... but seeking God is its own reward.. because He will be found. And God is good. All the time.

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