Monday, November 17, 2008

ADD...and Other Spiritual Dilemas

So, I am sitting down, cup of coffee in hand, and starting a time of prayer and reflection. Then I hear a sound... something outside... I must look to see what that was. I see a piece of trash that just has to be picked up now. So I go outside and notice that a bush needs to be trimmed. The I think about President Bush... I voted for him.. twice. The I think about work and how the economy is affecting the homes sales. I wander back inside (without picking up the trash, or trimming the bush) and now I am thinking about a myriad of things that need to be done in my real estate business. Half a cup of coffee gone and I haven't heard from God yet.

So, I sit back down, push everything out of my head and ask God to help me clear my mind so I can hear Him speak to me. Oh, I wrote a song called "Speak to Me." And there is a cool song we sing at church with the same name... Did I clean my guitar before I put it away? Yesterday's worship was awesome. That was some worship. I need to sell that other guitar. But I don't like eBay... and on, and on, and on... and on.

A.D.D. - it is a terrible thing. (Attention Deficit Disorder)

Now, I will admit, I actually do have ADD, so some of this is funny, but some of it is sad. I really do have trouble concentrating at times... on the bright side, I am never bored.

Anyone else out there have this struggle? I am certain I am not alone. It really is frustrating to carve out time for God and then at the end of that time find that He couldn't get a word in edgewise because my thoughts were too busy spinning out of control.

The solution I propose is simple, and profitable. When I can't find my way to meaningful prayer, I force myself to grab a Bible, and simply read. Currently, I have been looking at Romans, but really isn't important what you read, just read. God's Word has the power to cut through ADD, and any other spiritual disorder. Choose a book. If you haven't read through the New Testament lately, start with the Gospel of John. Then, move onto Matthew, Mark, Luke, then Acts. After that, just move on through the entire New Testament.

If you are like me, I have to read straight through. (A little OCD keeps me on track) (Obessessive Compulsive Disorder) If you like to read slowly and thoroughly, fine. No matter what your technique, the point is open the Bible and read. If you are well-studied in the scriptures already, choose a book, and read it over and over. Read it in several different versions. And all the while, ask God, "What are You saying to me?" (I wrote a song with that title too...)

I am not sure how it works, but God uses His word to sneak into our hearts, right past our heads, past our ADD, OCD, and any other letters that keep you distant from Him. God loves you, and me. He has something to say. And nothing, nothing will stop Him from speaking... But, we do have to listen.

Are you listening?

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