Friday, May 8, 2009

State of Amazement

As I was praying this morning, I kept thanking God for all the things He is doing in my life and around my church. I declared, "God I am so amazed by You and the things You do." Suddenly, it hit me: Why am I not always in a constant state of amazement? I mean think about it - God is always all powerful, all-knowing, all seeing, ever compassionate and full of grace. Why am I only amazed right now, in the midst of some huge things He is doing in my life? (Long stories-- I am in the midst of a few major moves of God - I will present soon... just waiting for the right time...)

Then came the answer: I am not watching close enough. The truth of the matter is God is always doing the impossible; He is always doing something amazing. Too often, I am caught up in my own myopic perspective and I fail to see the myriads of things God is doing around me, through me, and to me. I repented.

Brandon Heath released a song recently... "Give me Your Eyes". In the song he talks of what is really going on underneath. As he walks the street of his town, he struggles to see past the smiles and into the hearts of those he encounters. He asks for the ability to love them, and make a difference in their lives. I dare say that condition of blindness is common, and is from the enemy. My brothers and sisters, this ought not be.

Jesus told the disciples to look at the people - the fields ripe and ready - and He said to pray that there would be the faithful, the workers, to harvest. (Matt 9:35-37) Guys - that's us. God is calling us to open our eyes and see what He is doing around us. There are people dying because they do not know Him. Think about what your life would be like if you did not know Jesus -- and recognize that there are many, many people living like that. I don't know about you, but my heart is breaking right now. If the fields are not harvested, they will die.

So, let's imagine something better: Your eyes are open and you see what God is doing all around you. You see the hurting, the ill, the lonely... and you are filled with compassion. You see God orchestrating "divine appointments" with you and others, and you are amazed. You see how God prepared someone to hear just the right words, and you are amazed. You see someone healed of cancer. And you are amazed. You see someone receive the money they needed just in time, and you are amazed. You see the faithful giving sacrificially of themselves and of their treasures, and you are amazed. You see God doing things that you never could have imagined - God, moving in His people, bringing about the Impossible. And you are amazed.

That's what I want. Yes, today, I am amazed... God has done and is doing some amazing things in my life right now and it is easy to see. What about tomorrow? Will I return to the everyday... the everyday where I only see the physical things, the obvious? Or will I continue to see with the eyes of faith? Will my eyes open wide with amazement as the God of the Universe interacts with me and the lives of those around me?

Father hear my prayer. I need to see with Your eyes. I am not complete, as Your son, unless my eyes are healed so I see what is really going on in and around me. Father I pray that I live in a constant state of amazement as I see You working to save those You love, as You grow the faith in those who love You. I desperately need you to remove the scales from my eyes, and soften my heart, that I might have the compassion to love others as You do. I am Yours. Use me as You will. Amen.

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